Clever and Appetizing Pantone Swatch Food Pairings

Pantone Pairings is a snack-inspiring project by Minneapolis-based artist David Schwen. In the clever and appetizing series, the illustrator, designer, and art director transformed many of our favorite food pairings into color complementing Pantone swatches. Whether you prefer sweet, sour, or salty, Schwen covers all of the bases. His many classic food duos, including peanut butter & jelly, mac & cheese, cake & ice cream, salt & pepper, and bacon & eggs, will instantly have your stomach growling with hunger.

When describing how the project started, Schwen said: “As a designer, you’re constantly picking color chips and pairing them up with one another. A while back I had an idea of making Pantone chips out of real household objects–sponges, cardboard, etc. But while I was finishing up a poster design, I had taped two Pantone chips together to see how they looked together. Instantly I thought of how people pair food together. And that was that. Pantone pairings.”

If you enjoy this concept of transforming food into Pantone swatches, you’ll love Pantone Food by Alison Anselot and Emilie Guelpa’s Pantone dessert tarts.

David Schwen’s website
Pantone Pairings website
via [BuzzFeed]

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