Salvaged Tree Branches Seamlessly Emerge from Antique Picture Frames

Artist Darryl Cox sees his ornate wooden frames as fundamentally uncomplicated, fulfilling a desire to reject everyday conventions within his art. His striking pieces combine vintage picture frames with twisted tree branches collected in the forests of Oregon. His intricate pieces allow him to “create by refusing to be limited by precept.”

Cox’s wooden pieces are individually created labours of love. After selecting a unique, antique frame, he spends the day traversing the woods searching for the perfect piece of wood to blend into the original frame and complete the project. After salvaging tree branches, he spends time painting and sculpting the wood to get each piece just right. The artist finds it particularly rewarding to dedicate “hours of time fashioning a frame that merges a man-made as well as natural element into a single piece of art that captures so much imagination.” The final result is a distinctive blend of the natural, raw bark with clean, structural lines, allowing Cox’s artwork to emerge in its own creative category.

A selection of Cox’s Fusion Frames are currently available to purchase through his online shop.

Fusion Frames NW: Website | Facebook | Shop
via: [Colossal]

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