Digital Composites Capture Bustling Energy Along the Streets of Singapore

Shooting Singapore Street Composites is a collection of images in which photographer Danny Santos documented average scenes of strangers going about their daily lives along the streets of Singapore. The catch is that each image is actually a product of multiple photographs digitally merged together.

For the 4-week project, Santos set up his tripod in various locations and photographed a single scene for anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. Afterwards, he reviewed the images, selected specific elements from the shots, and merged them together into one visually intriguing final scene.

By blending together the various pieces, Santos was able to freeze time into a single arrangement. The results are a fascinating collection of street photography where people are placed in perfectly organized patterns of walking. “Singapore is such a multifaceted place that you can’t help but see and feel the diverse energy of the crowd as you move from one place to another,” explained Santos. “From the central business district’s suits and high heels, to the shopping center’s young fashionistas and clueless tourists, to the heartland’s homey aunties and uncles. This is the subject of my recent project: capturing a bit of how it feels like to be in one place.”

Danny Santos’ website
via [This Isn’t Happiness]

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