Young Photographer Achieves Cathartic Emotional Release through His Visual Diary

Creative expression is an avenue that many turn towards when other forms of communication fail. Daniel Serva is an example of this, using emotive self-portraits to convey his feelings to the world. The launch of his 365 Project marked the beginning of a journey that would see him creating daily images that relayed his emotions over the course of the next year. This visual diary provides Serva the ideal form of self-healing that he continues to benefit from.

Born in Venezuala, but creating from Paraguay, Serva has found an outlet within his photographic endeavours. “I don’t usually talk about my feelings,” Serva told Instagram Blog, “but with the help of photography I can have a catharsis.” This emotional release is clear to read in Serva’s images which seem to capture a sense of wonder and surrealism, as though sharing glimpses into his own personal dream world.

Serva’s photographs eliminate the laws of reality, leaving behind a simple emotional foundation that provides his audience a context on which they can gain their footing. As Serva explains: “One of the reasons why I play so much with surrealism is because I want to show people another version of what’s possible.” It is a humble attempt, on Serva’s part, to share his perspective and personal feelings through vivid photography.

Daniel Serva: Instagram | Flickr | Facebook
via [Instagram Blog]

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