Interview: Daniel Kordan Uncovers Greenland’s Hidden Gems


Russian photographer Daniel Kordan recently returned from a sailing expedition to Greenland, bringing back with him dozens of gorgeous images that capture the beauty of the expanse between Saint Petersburg and Greenland. For several months, Kordan lived aboard a yacht out on the Atlantic, where he led photography workshops that took advantage of the spectacular natural surroundings.

From morning to night, Kordan and his fellow voyagers explored magnificent icebergs, glaciers, caves, and cliffs at each landing. Each day promised new discoveries as Kordan stumbled upon hidden gems in the icy wild. In his words, “Our Greenland expedition reminded me of Jack London stories which I admired so much in my childhood.”

We had the chance to ask the photographer a few questions about his incredible adventure. Scroll down to read that interview, and check out Kordan’s photography workshops planned for 2016 to embark on your own odyssey.

daniel-kordan-2daniel-kordan-3daniel-kordan-4Could you tell us more about your recent trip to Greenland?

It was a sailing expedition to Greenland. We used the yacht Peter the First to sail from Saint Petersburg to Greenland through Iceland and the Faroe Islands. It took us two months to get to Greenland and the same time to return. We invited photographers to some stops on our way for weekly sailings around Greenland. It was a kind of photography workshop for them.

daniel-kordan-5daniel-kordan-6daniel-kordan-7Was this your first time going to Greenland? What made you want to travel there?

This was our first time exploring Disko Bay and the islands of Baffin Bay. I wanted to travel there because Greenland has many remote and unexplored areas that are perfect for photography.

daniel-kordan-8daniel-kordan-9daniel-kordan-10How was living on a yacht for two months?

It’s not that easy, but we were fascinated by the beautiful nature and the chance to explore new areas every day. We had a friendly and hard-working team of sailors. The captain of Peter the First and his crew made the world record several years ago—they circled around the North Pole in just one season.

daniel-kordan-11daniel-kordan-12daniel-kordan-13What kind of hidden places did you get to explore?

We learned a lot of legends from locals. We found beautiful fjords and mountains. We hiked up to elevations 1 kilometer above the sea to look at ice caps. We found a marmor cave leading far into the glacier, and we discovered an old whale cemetery. One of the most pleasant experiences was bathing in the hot springs of Greenland. We found several hidden beaches and hot lakes.

daniel-kordan-14daniel-kordan-15daniel-kordan-16Daniel Kordan: Website | Facebook | 500px

My Modern Met granted permission to use photos by Daniel Kordan.

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