These dizzying motion graphics are the handiwork of illustrator Dain Fagerholm. The Seattle-based artist refers to his animated pieces as Stereographic Drawings. Stereographic images are more commonly recognized as two parallel still visuals, varying only slightly in angle, that are meant to be viewed in such a way that the mind combines the two to create a 3D image. Similarly, Fagerholm’s multi-angled illustrations are already combined into one picture that presents an illusionary sense of depth.
Working primarily in ink and markers, Fagerholm’s unearthly monsters and gem-wielding creatures appear like sketches that have leapt out of a notepad and broken into the third dimension. The dual perspective technique, displayed as a gif, is especially effective at enlivening these otherworldly beasts. There’s something creepy yet not all that threatening about the characters. I get the sense that we’re looking at some misunderstood monsters who can’t help but shake their heads disapprovingly.