Comical “Dad Bods and Dogs” Calendar is Helping Rescue Dogs Find Homes

Dad Bods Rescue Dogs Calendar by Ricki Beason

It’s only August, but we’re already looking forward to the beginning of 2019 thanks to an adorable (and rather hilarious) calendar project by photographer Ricki Beason. Titled Dad Bods and Dogs Calendar, the collection of twelve images feature men with so-called “dad bods” posing next to lovable rescue dogs. The pups all come from three different Dallas-based animal rescue organizations: The Love Pit, Rescue Row, and Astasia’s Angels Animal Rescue.

Taking a different approach to the usual “hunky men” calendars, Beason decided to photograph everyday “good guys.” She explains, “We want to epitomize the true bond between man and man’s best friend.” From pups and pals lounging by a pool to a comical 4th of July cookout, each image captures typical “dog dad” scenarios.

Beason is dedicated to promoting pup adoption through her photography. And while some of the dogs featured in the calendar have already found new forever-homes, there are still plenty of pups waiting to be adopted. The photographer reveals, “My hope with this calendar is to bring a smile to the face of the person who buys it on a daily basis. I want people to see rescue dogs for the fun-loving rascals that they are in hopes that more people will want to adopt these goofballs.”

You can pre-order your own Dad Bods and Dogs Calendar via Beason’s website. Orders will begin to ship in September 2018. All proceeds go directly to the three associated animal rescue organizations.

Photographer Ricki Beason created the hilarious Dad Bods and Dogs Calendar, featuring men with so-called “dad bods” posing next to lovable rescue dogs.

Dad Bods Rescue Dogs Calendar by Ricki BeasonDad Bods Rescue Dogs Calendar by Ricki Beason

All proceeds from calendar sales go directly to three Dallas-based animal rescue organizations where the featured pups came from.

Dad Bods Rescue Dogs Calendar by Ricki BeasonDad Bods Rescue Dogs Calendar by Ricki BeasonDad Bods Rescue Dogs Calendar by Ricki Beason

Beason hopes the calendar will raise awareness of pet rescue, and promote dog adoption.

Dad Bods Rescue Dogs Calendar by Ricki BeasonDad Bods Rescue Dogs Calendar by Ricki BeasonDad Bods Rescue Dogs Calendar by Ricki BeasonDad Bods Rescue Dogs Calendar by Ricki BeasonDad Bods Rescue Dogs Calendar by Ricki BeasonDad Bods Rescue Dogs Calendar by Ricki BeasonRicki Beason: Website | Facebook | Twitter
h/t: [Huffington Post]

My Modern Met granted permission to use photos by Ricki Beason.

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