Adorable Foal’s White Patch Looks Exactly like Another Horse

England’s Flying Hall Riding School didn’t realize that they were getting two horses for the price of one when Da Vinci the foal was born. Right above his front legs and along his short mane, the young horse has a white marking that looks exactly like the profile of another horse. Since the bottom part of Da Vinci’s mane is also white in color, it actually appears as though this additional horse is running right alongside the chestnut-colored foal.

While this equine marking is definitely unique, it isn’t Da Vinci’s only trademark. “The chestnut horses have irregular patches but they don’t normally make something as recognizable,” owner Wendy Bulmer told Daily Mail. “He’s even got a little white heart shape on his bottom as well.” With these artistic markings as his permanent birthright, it seems only fitting that this adorable foal was named Da Vinci.

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via [NeatoramaDaily Mail]

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