Two Determined Cats Keep Trying to Sneak Into This Japanese Art Museum

Most cat lovers would agree that our feline friends have a mind of their own. Although they’re known to be highly intelligent, their notorious aloofness means they make up their own rules, and they definitely won’t be told what to do. Meet Ken Chan and Gosaku: two curious cats who aren’t just hungry for tasty treats—they’re hungry for cultural nourishment. The determined duo having been trying for to get into Hiroshima Onomichi City Museum of Art for two years.

It all started in the summer of 2016 when the art museum opened their show, Cats — Mitsuaki Iwago Photography Exhibition. A few days after the opening, a sleek black cat called Ken-chan turned up at the museum’s front doors, eager to catch a glimpse of what was inside. However, the friendly-looking security guard blocked his path, shoo-ing the disappointed kitty away. After spending around two years plotting in vain to get inside, Ken-chan recently brought reinforcements: his friend, the ginger tom Gosaku.

The two art enthusiasts arrive almost daily at the automatic front doors of the Onomichi City Museum of Art, hoping to overcome the security system. However, they’re always gently (and comically) ushered out by the museum staff. Although they’re no closer to seeing the art, they’ve both gained Internet fame since the museum started tweeting about the pesky pair. Hiroshima Onomichi City Museum of Art regularly posts pictures and videos of the cats and their stand-offs with the guards. The furry felons have even inspired a range of merchandise for the museum.

Meet Ken-chan and Gosaku: two curious cats who are determined to get into Hiroshima Onomichi City Museum of Art, Japan.

It all started two years ago when the sleek black cat (Ken-chan) turned up, hoping to see the art museum’s show, Cats — Mitsuaki Iwago Photography Exhibition.

After many failed attempts, Ken-chan recently recruited his friend, the ginger tom Gosaku.

The two art enthusiasts arrive almost daily at the automatic front doors of the museum, hoping to overcome the security system.

However, they’re always gently (and comically) ushered out by the museum staff.

The furry felons have even inspired a range of merchandise for the museum.

Curious Cats Hiroshima Onomichi City Art MuseumHiroshima Onomichi City Museum of Art: Website | Twitter
h/t: [Bored Panda]

All images via Hiroshima Onomichi City Museum of Art.

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