Enormous Tidal Wave Engulfs an Entire Gallery Space

Deluge is an installation mimicking a giant tidal wave by Atlanta-based artist Crystal Wagner that is made of plastic table cloth, balloon mylar, screen print and chicken wire. The site-specific piece creatively engulfs its space like an unrelenting surge of water, simulating the motion and brilliant ripples of the blue water and its salty, white foam. Like an abstract spirit or monster, it imposes itself unto the gallery space, allowing the viewer to take in its enormity.

Wagner describes the piece as “a torrent of plastic that rushes through the architecture of our manmade space. It is a tidal wave of uncertainty and a reminder of our smallness and our lack of control over the natural world.” She tells us, “I wanted to use the skylight in a way that amplified the relevancy of natural sunlight and let the form grow, uncontrollably through the gallery.”

Deluge is currently on display at Artspace in Raleigh, North Carolina through January 25, 2014.

Crystal Wagner website

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