How to Use Crowdfunding to Launch the Creative Project of Your Dreams

creative crowdfunding

How do I run a successful crowdfunding campaign?

It’s one thing to have a great idea, it’s another to create and manage a successful campaign. Here are some tips on how to set yourself up for success.

Fully Develop Your Idea: In order to write a captivating proposal, you need to make sure you can clearly articulate your end goal, the resources you’ll need to make it happen, and your target audience. Check out this short lesson by Kickstarter’s Director of Community Education Stephanie Pereira on how to develop your project.

Set Your Timeline: As backers are becoming increasingly savvy, it’s essential to be realistic with the scope of work and plan your timeline accordingly. The people who support you will expect that you make your deadlines, so think through any potential delays in advance and build them into your timelines.

Know Your Numbers: How much will it cost? Clearly laying out where people’s money is going is essential. It adds transparency and gives potential backers faith in the project. Consider materials, resources, and expenses—including unforeseen issues, and make your estimate realistic. If you are working on an all-or-nothing platform, setting an incorrect budget can really hurt the project before it even starts.

Set Up Your Social Media: Your ability to market and reach potential backers is essential when the campaign launches, so be sure to have an updated website and social media presence from the get-go. The more active you are prior to the campaign, the better. For instance, a newsletter blast and social media posts announcing the upcoming campaign can help build interest before you even launch.

Leverage Your Network: The majority of your backers will inevitably come from within your own network, unless your campaign goes viral. Harness the power of your fanbase and get the word out there via social media or press blasts. Always be pitching, whether to friends and family, or in line at the grocery store—you never know where the next big backer will be.

Create an Eye-catching Video: A thought out video explaining your project or product can be the best way to reach your backers. It’s the only way they will be able to visually see what you envision, and a well done video can only enhance the professional appearance of your campaign. If you don’t have resources or are rushed in pulling something together, it’s better to leave a video out rather than appear like an amateur. Check out videos from some of the most successful campaigns ever to get an idea of what works.

Prepare for Press: Some of the most successful campaigns get picked up by media, so make sure you’re prepared. A media section on your website with images and a press release will make it easier for journalists to write about your project and cast the net out to a wide audience.

Update Often: Too many people make the mistake of never updating their campaign once it goes live. It’s important to actively communicate both during and after the campaign, keeping backers in the loop on how things are progressing and where you are in the creative process. This assures them that they’ve made a good investment and keeps excitement high.

Looking for more help with creative crowdfunding?

Here are some online classes that will help you navigate the process and ensure your crowdfunding experience is successful.

Launch a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign on CreativeLive

Crowdfunding Secrets For Musicians & Creatives on Skillshare

How to Crowdfund Your Film on CreativeLive

Crowdfunding Video Creation: From Start to Kick on Skillshare

Succeeding on Kickstarter on Skillshare

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