Creatively Rewriting History

Yoda Warrior

By incorporating both pop culture icons – like Yoda, Darth Vader and Spiderman – and historical figures – like Abraham Lincoln and Adolf Hitler – into past, real-life scenes, Ukrainian artist Danil Polevoy chose to rewrite history in his own, unique way. The realistic photo collages are humorous yet thought-provoking at the same time. After all, what would our lives be like if these images really showed the truth?

Darth strumming his guitar

Adolf Hitler’s works of art

Darth Vader of the Old City (Jerusalem)

Abraham Lincoln’s first job, February 5, 1865

Ministry Of Sound, 1905

General Douglas MacArthur, Washington, D.C., November 1930

The first McDonald’s restaurant, Yorktown, Virginia (vicinity), May 1862

The Kiss Orchestra, Wisconsin, circa 1931

Mrs. Parker and son, Washington, D.C., circa 1916

Captain America, Iron man and Invisible man, Washington, D.C., circa 1921

Yoda, Japan, 1932

Danil Polevoy’s website
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