Extraordinary Crashed War Plane Sculpture

Is this art? This past November, artist Jordan Griska decided to challenge our views of art with a thought-provoking installation on the streets of Philadelphia. He bought the shell of a full-sized Navy combat plane, namely a 45-foot-long Grunman Tracker II, and then twisted it to resemble its moment of impact. Interestingly, he converted the inside space into a greenhouse where he grows herbs and greens for City Harvest, which feeds low income families in the area. Aptly, the crumpling sculpture is called Grunman Greenhouse.

“My generation–what do we do with all these parts (of) post-war conflict? What is our role in that?” said Griska, 27. “For me, trying to take a positive spin and move forward and grow something for the community.”

“These repurposed finished pieces simultaneously lead the viewer to contemplate the history of ‘the thing’ while changing the function of the object,” said Griska. “Halting the actions of this machine by grounding it in Lenfest Plaza will turn this mobile weapon into a stationary iconic object.”

Photos by Stephanie V. Jaouen
via [Newsworks], [PAFA]

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