Barber Gives Free Haircuts to Kids Who Read to Him

Barber Courtney Holmes of Sparks Family Hair Salon is doing all that he can to help his Iowa community prepare for the upcoming school year. He’s giving local children the opportunity to read to him while he’s working, in exchange for a free haircut. “I just want to support kids reading,” Holmes told the Telegraph Herald. Not only is this caring man allowing families to save their money for school supplies, he’s also helping his clients learn at the same time.

9-year-old Tayshawn Kirby decided to read Carol Parenzan Smalley’s Fats, Oils and Sweets while sitting in the barber’s chair. Thanks to this reading session, both Tayshawn and Holmes learned that the average person eats 150 pounds of sugar in one year. Holmes has shown that anyone can make a difference with a bit of compassion and an inspiring idea.

Above image via Mike Burley

Image via Telegraph Herald

Image via Telegraph Herald

via [Uplifting News, The Des Moines Register, Telegraph Herald]

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