Find the Hidden Storybook Characters

Snow White and Sherlock Holmes

With a tagline “Come with a story and leave with another,” Colsubsidio worked with Lowe/SSP3, an ad agency in Bogota, Columbia to come up with these clever advertisements that will make you do a double-take. They are meant to illustrate a service Colsubsidio’s libraries provide, namely a book exchange. By taking classic storybook characters like Snow White, Harry Potter and Red Riding Hood and then hiding other characters within them, they ask the viewer to conjure up memories of some other notable characters. Love the minimalist nature of these.

Harry Potter and Troy

Little Red Riding Hood and Moby Dick

Brand name: Colsubsidio
Product: Colsubsidio Book Exchange
Agency: Lowe/ssp3
Country: Colombia
Category: Book store
Released: April 2012

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