Chronicling the Adventures of a Commercial Fisherman

Alaskan photographer and commercial fisherman Corey Arnold really knows how to find unique light in his photographs. Sunrays burst through birds’ wings, fish fins reflect off of the water, and firey light sits atop a mountain in Wolf Tide, a solo show at Richard Heller Gallery in Santa Monica that records the lifestyle of a commercial fisherman.

The show is filled with images that allow viewers to experience the magnificence of being swept out into the depths of the sea and the raw emotion of looking directly into the eye of a recently captured fish. Drawing from his adventurous travels through the Bering Sea, Europe, South Africa, the Atlantic, and the Arctic, his subjects range from fellow fishermen to eagles, seagulls, and tangled mountains of fishing lines. The opening of Wolf Tide was a great success and you can view the photographs at the gallery through March 31, 2012.

Corey Arnold’s website
Richard Heller Gallery
via [booooooom]

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