Quirky Laser-Cut Bookmarks Cap the Pages of Books with Playful Icons

Kindles might be all the rage, but e-reader technology can’t replace the pleasure of sitting down with a hard copy of a good book. A Cherkasy, Ukraine-based shop called Cool Bookmark celebrates and encourages the use of physical books by creating stylish metal placeholders that cap publication pages with minimalist icons. The tiny symbols represent facets of pop culture–superheroes, Game of Thrones, and Harry Potter, to name a few–along with animals, social media icons, and much more. Despite their simplicity, each of the clever designs is instantly recognizable.

Unlike many bookmarks, the laser-cut creations appear inconspicuous–you can only see one of them when you’re looking at the bottom or top edges of a book. This allows them to be easily placed on a shelf and ensures that, unlike the conventional paper product, they won’t get torn or bent.

It only takes one bookmark to keep your spot, but the company demonstrates that two or three can create a playful design across the pages. Cool Bookmarks sells their work on Etsy.

Cool Bookmark: Etsy
via [Culture N Lifestyle]

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