“Barking!” by Chris Porsz (UK)
“In March 2019 I was sat in the Union Sq New York dog run when I spotted a lady with a pink bag on her hand (to keep her hand clean) throwing a ball to her dog which was sat down facing her. The dog then launched itself and flipped in mid air to face me and snap! As you can see the lady with her hand on her head was as surprised as me and I think she is saying phew! I have searched in vain via the NY media to find the owner so that I can send her a copy. No joy so I am hoping this Pet Comedy competition can help me find the mystery woman and her leaping dog. You never know!”
(Photo: ©Chris Porsz/Comedy Pets)
If you need something to cheer you up and make you smile, check out the finalists of the 2023 Comedy Pet Photography Awards. The photos of these sweet kitties and goofy dogs are sure to put a grin on your face. From the initial pool of images, 25 have been selected for the shortlist by a panel of expert judges.
The winners will be revealed on August 11, but for now, you can make your voice heard and participate in the vote for the People’s Choice Award. Some of our favorite finalists include Chris Porsz‘s photo of a border collie leaping for a ball in New York’s Union Square and a hefty cat nicknamed “The Big Boss” lounging by the waterfront.
Some photos focus on the quirky habits that our furry friends have. Brazil’s Monyque Macedo Dos Santos captured this perfectly by showing her little dog’s unusual habit of burying itself under the couch cushions. Others, like Klaus-Peter Selzer, highlighted the belief that owners and their dogs often look alike with a funny photo of a woman with long hair similar to her Afghan Windhounds.
Scroll down to see some of our favorites from the finalists list, and don’t forget to cast your vote for the People’s Choice Award by August 6, 2023, when the polls close.
Here are some of the funny finalists of the 2023 Comedy Pet Photography Awards.

“The big Boss” by Kenichi Morinaga (Japan)
“Big Boss is the Boss around here. He is gentle and kindness just big.”
(Photo: ©Kenichi Morinaga/Comedy Pets)

“So this is the source of happiness” by Corinna Mooser (Switzerland)
“That explains so much. (Don’t worry, it’s just regular hemp for industry).”
(Photo: ©Corinna Mooser/Comedy Pets)

“Albert Einstein” by Masayoshi Yamamoto (Japan)
“He stuck out his tongue at me just like the famous Einstein photo.”
(Photo: ©Masayoshi Yamamoto/Comedy Pets)
The winners will be announced on August 11.

“Football free kick” by Kenichi Morinaga (Japan)
“Football and waiting for free kick.”
(Photo: ©Kenichi Morinaga/Comedy Pets)

“Is it a seal or a dog?” by Monyque Macedo Dos Santos (Brazil)
“There’s a hiding place under the sofa where Louis (the dog) likes to hide, that day I took his tennis ball from “his place”, he got angry and put his head out through the hole barking asking for his ball back, that’s when he turned into this angry seal, and I decided to register the moment.”
(Photo: ©Monyque Macedo Dos Santos/Comedy Pets)

“The three Greys” by Klaus-Peter Selzer (Germany)
“Karin and her two dogs. Don’t they all look almost the same?”
(Photo: ©Klaus-Peter Selzer/Comedy Pets)

” A life changing event” by Michel Zoghzoghi (Lebanon)
“Alex and Max are two rescued kittens. Alex is the shy one. Max is the playful one. Together they form a lethally cute duo. I had more fun taking photos of these two than during my most adventurous wildlife photography trips.”
(Photo: ©Michel Zoghzoghi/Comedy Pets)
For now, the public can vote for their favorite image as part of the People’s Choice Award.

“Oscar!” by Lana Polyakova (Russia)
“Yes, his name is Oscar. He is an Afghan greyhound and is very pleased with himself.”
(Photo: ©Lana Polyakova/Comedy Pets)

“Keep your eye on the ball” by Gill Woodcock (UK)
“Bumble puts his heart and soul into everything…it just doesn’t always work out.”
(Photo: ©Gill Woodcock/Comedy Pets)

“Edgar’s Dandelion” by Jonathan Casey (UK)
“Beautiful Edgar’s favorite food are the leaves and flowers of dandelions. Here she is seen taking her time to savor the flavor.”
(Photo: ©Jonathan Casey/Comedy Pets)

“Bidule as goalkeeper!” by Felix Larcher (France)
“We were playing with a paper ball.”
(Photo: ©Felix Larcher/Comedy Pets)

“Pop up” by Kazutoshi Ono (Japan)
“He seems to pop out of the autumn leaves, doesn’t he?”
(Photo: ©Kazutoshi Ono/Comedy Pets)

“Little Daisy and her big future” by Darya Zelentsova (USA)
“Two sisters from different litters: self-confident Crystal and cute baby Daisy.”
(Photo: ©Darya Zelentsova/Comedy Pets)

“The first outdoor walk” by Darya Zelentsova (USA)
“Tiny happy ferret Boudicca (only 2,5 month old!) enjoys her first outdoor walk.”
(Photo: ©Darya Zelentsova/Comedy Pets)

“Who are you?” by Udo Krauss (Germany)
“Our cat Lilly played with a mouse, we saved the mouse and our dog Amy was fascinated by the mouse.”
(Photo: ©Udo Krauss/Comedy Pets)