Colorful Cinematic Photos Capture the Vibrancy of an Enchanted Garden

Colorful Photography by Xuebing Du

San Francisco-based designer and photographer Xuebing Du creates vibrant images of nature that look like something from another realm. The series of colorful photography evokes imaginary tales of an enchanted garden, where Du herself features as a pixie-like subject exploring and playing among the lush landscape.

Du’s captivating self-portraits often feature backdrops of leaves, trees, and flowers that appear as single infrared tones. These electric hues contrast against the photographer’s pale skin and bright red lipstick, but often blend with the fabric of her clothing. Du styles herself to mimic the appearance of the various blooms, creating floral personifications. In one dream-like image, Du is pictured standing amidst a bamboo forest wearing a matching vivid green, silk gown. In another, the photographer is captured wearing patterned, rose-colored clothing that harmonizes with the surrounding bright-pink woodland.

The photographer explains, “I want to capture characters in florals, the gentleness, softness and often times its toughness. I try to convey my vision as I see in each of them, the elegance of calla lily; the romance of roses; and the wildness of morning glories that grow on the walls. I focus on the details of each floral, letting the colors and textures come to life.”

You can see more of Du’s cinematic scenes on Instagram.

San Francisco-based designer and photographer Xuebing Du creates vibrant images of nature that look like something from another realm.

Colorful Photography by Xuebing DuColorful Photography by Xuebing Du

The series of colorful photography evokes imaginary tales of an enchanted garden, where Du herself features as a pixie-like subject exploring the lush landscape.

Colorful Photography by Xuebing DuColorful Photography by Xuebing Du

Du styles herself to mimic the appearance of the various blooms, creating floral personifications that bring their color and texture to life.

Colorful Photography by Xuebing DuColorful Photography by Xuebing DuColorful Photography by Xuebing DuColorful Photography by Xuebing DuColorful Photography by Xuebing DuColorful Photography by Xuebing DuColorful Photography by Xuebing DuColorful Photography by Xuebing DuXuebing Du: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Tumblr | Behance

My Modern Met granted permission to use photos by Xuebing Du.

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