The Coolest and Most Creative Cake Pops

It’s only been a few years since the cake pop trend busted out into the scene. These miniature cakes, created in the form of lollipops, have become so popular, they can now be found just around the corner at your local Starbucks. While we’ve enjoyed seeing them take on many different forms (who could forget Bakerella’s Muppets version?) never have we seen them as cool and creative as this.

Chicago-based dessert company Cocomori just launched in February and is founded by Andrea Morris. With a background as a baker and a sculptor, Morris takes cake pops to new heights. Making all of their cakes and icings from scratch, Cocomori states that they specialize in “edible artistry.” Whether they’re dressing them up with marshmallows to make Marie Antoinette-inspired creations or coming up with a whole 80’s Pac-Man inspired theme, one thing is for sure – cake pops have never been this much fun!

Cocomori’s website

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