Artist Uses Silhouetted Shapes to Turn Colorful Clouds Into Beautiful Scenes

Paper Cutout Cloud Photos by Lân Nguyen

Have you ever looked up and noticed shapes in the clouds? Artist and photographer Lân Nguyen (aka 19.XCV) showcases his playful imagination by transforming photos of the sky. He digitally imposes black silhouettes of various shapes to turn colorful clouds into recognizable objects.

From a rose to a strawberry, each wisp of cloud takes on the shape of something new. Nguyen transforms his images on Photoshop, where he makes the sky “pop” by tweaking the vibrancy and hue of the colors. He then adds a cut-out-like silhouette over the top that transforms the scene. In one image, Nguyen turned a billowing pink cloud into lava, by superimposing a volcano shape onto the photo. In another, a cloud becomes the puffy tutu of a ballerina’s outfit. Each scene is made even more magical by enhancing the twinkling night stars.

Scroll down to check out Nguyen’s whimsical photo edits, and find more from his ever-growing portfolio on Instagram.

Artist and photographer Lân Nguyen transforms colorful photos of the sky with silhouetted shapes.

Paper Cutout Cloud Photos by Lân NguyenPaper Cutout Cloud Photos by Lân Nguyen

He transforms clouds into entirely new objects.

Paper Cutout Cloud Photos by Lân NguyenPaper Cutout Cloud Photos by Lân NguyenPaper Cutout Cloud Photos by Lân NguyenPaper Cutout Cloud Photos by Lân NguyenPaper Cutout Cloud Photos by Lân NguyenPaper Cutout Cloud Photos by Lân NguyenPaper Cutout Cloud Photos by Lân NguyenLân Nguyen: Website | Instagram | YouTube

My Modern Met granted permission to feature photos by Lân Nguyen.

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