The Powerful Force of the Ocean Captured Inside Crashing Waves

When Clark Little’s wife came home one day with a photo of the ocean that she wanted to buy, he told her that, rather than spending money on the print, he would personally go out and take some spectacular photographs of the ocean for her. That was the beginning of the photographer’s many adventures.

Simply drawing upon his passion for the ocean, Little and his handheld, waterproof camera are the only things necessary to bring his collection of amazing photographs to land-bound viewers. He shows no fear in his process as he quickly races into rough waters to document the natural beauty of powerful waves right before the water comes crashing down around him.

Through his lens, Little captures magical and ephemeral places that most non-surfers would never experience in person. The stunning colors, gorgeous sunsets, and massive waves emanate with such force that viewers will instinctively want to turn and run the other way, even though the power is only in the form of a photograph!

“The worst thing for me fear-wise is not making it out–just wave after wave and not being able to breath and trying to hold your breath and another big wave is coming and you’re stuck and you can’t get in and you can’t get out. I mean those are the moments where I fear for my life. I don’t like that. It’s a spooky feeling. But then you get that perfect shot…and it kinda makes it worth it.”

In February 2014, Little published his second book, Shorebreak, a 160-page coffee table book featuring a collection of his work from Hawaii, California, Japan, and French Polynesia.

Clark Little’s website
via [Distractify]

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