Mom Shares Funny Photo of How Her Toddler Half-Decorated a Christmas Tree

Christmas Tree Half Decorated by Toddler

Most people who have kids would agree that toddlers are equal parts cute and trouble. They say and do the funniest things, leaving many moms and dads giggling all day. One parent to recently share her kid’s funny shenanigans is writer AC Thomas. She posted a photo on Twitter showing how her 4-year-old daughter decorated her mother-in-law’s Christmas tree. Left to her own devices, the tiny tot covered only the bottom of the tree (the part she could reach) in decorations, leaving the rest hilariously sparse.

Thomas tells My Modern Met, “My toddler had a great time decorating it!” And to the kid’s credit, the bottom of the tree is decorated beautifully, complete with a well-balanced selection of red and silver baubles. From her perspective, it looks like she did a great job. However, when viewed from an adult’s height, the rest of the tree is looking a little sad, featuring just a snowflake here and there. The angel at the top is looking pretty lonely up there, too!

The hilarious tweet has brought Christmas joy to many on the Internet, amassing over 415,000 likes and almost 40,000 retweets. But this isn’t the only adorable mischief Thomas’ daughter has been up to. The writer regularly shares hilarious anecdotes on Twitter, revealing more funny moments between the pair.

Check out the half-decorated Christmas tree below, plus more funny tweets from Thomas.

This is how a 4-year-old decorates a Christmas tree.


Turns out, this kid is a bit of a comedian.

AC Thomas: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

My Modern met granted permission to feature photos by AC Thomas.

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