Son Captures Dad Being an “Instagram Husband” for His Mom During the Holidays

Husbands of Instagram

Whether you realize it or not, the boyfriends and husbands of Instagram are what make the idyllic posts of the world exist. They are the ones who have to engineer the perfect position in order to snap a flawless picture—all for those likes, favorites, and retweets. Despite looking absolutely silly to passersby, their devotion is an endearing show of love. When home with his parents during Christmas, Taylor Burkhalter snapped funny shots of his dad being a typical Instagram husband.

In Burkhalter’s candid photos, his mom lays on the ground on her back with her arms and legs spread like a snow angel. His dad stands on over her on the coffee table, holding a phone to take a short video of his wife moving her arms back and forth.

“I’ve learned more about love from watching my dad reluctantly rearrange the living room so my mom can make snow angel Boomerangs for her 29 Instagram followers than anything else in life,” Burkhalter wrote in a tweet. He also shared the pictures of the event, including a close-up photo of his dad looking less than amused—but willing to go through with it anyway.

Burkhalter’s hilarious and heartwarming tweet helped his mom get the internet stardom she deserved. His post went viral and users demanded to see said Instagram Boomerang. Since then, it’s gotten over 287,000 views and brought his mom’s follower count to over 16,000 fans. And it would have never happened without her devoted Instagram husband!

When home with his parents for Christmas, Taylor Burkhalter witnessed his dad being a typical husband of Instagram.

Husbands of InstagramHusbands of Instagram

He’s not amused.

Husbands of Instagram

It prompted Burkhalter to tweet this:

The tweet itself went viral, which in turn made his mom’s Instagram video go viral. Husbands of Instagram come through yet again!

Taylor Burkhalter: Twitter | Instagram
Libby Burkhalter: Website | Instagram
h/t: [PetaPixel]

All images via Taylor Burkhalter.

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