Artist Transforms Parents’ Ordinary Home into a Phenomenal Monster House

Artist Christine McConnell has a spellbinding knack for spooky transformations. She typically focuses on baked goods as she takes ordinary treats and turns them into extraordinarily creepy creations. But this time, McConnell decided to set her sights on a much larger canvas: her parents’ house. Using foam core insulation boards, paint, green lighting, a fog machine, and a few additional supplies, the artist brought the ordinary residence to life as a Monster House. Complete with snarling teeth and menacing eyes, the house is a noticeable shock to anyone who casually passes by the neighborhood.

Proving to be an incredibly artistic feat of epic proportions, some have questioned whether the image of the Monster House (above) is merely Photoshopped. McConnell assures viewers that it isn’t, providing a slew of behind-the-scenes photos. To make the final shot of the house look just right for a ghostly night, the artist waited for the perfect moment. “For the main picture I waited till the sun cast a shadow lining up with the walkway… it was tricky!” she writes. In the end, it seems that all the hard work was worth it because this is definitely the one house on the block that’s ready for Halloween trick-or-treaters.

An awestruck Redditor even took the time to give the Monster House its very own movie poster.

Photo credit: Your_Post_As_A_Movie

Christine McConnell: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Reddit
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All photos via Christine McConnell unless otherwise stated.

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