Gorgeously Intricate Hand-Cut Paper Sculptures

Toronto-based artist Christine Kim cuts and layers paper together into beautifully intricate geometric sculptures. Through cutting, Kim feels as though she “liberates the work from the confines of the original surface.” Her artwork is delicate and complex, and she is constantly finding new ways to work with the everyday material.

Kim has completed a variety of projects including Paper Orbs (below) and Scribble (far below) that show off her amazingly meticulous techniques. Her recent paper installation, Accumulation (above), will be featured as part of the Toronto Design Offsite festival in January 2014. The series of hand-cut sculptures consist of small orbs that explore light and shadow through intricately composed forms. According to the project statement, “This is an investigation of what a line can do when it is folded, cut, curved, and gathered.”

Christine Kim’s website
via [Soft Shock]

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