Record-Holding Free Divers Explore Cenotes on One Breath

Record-holding free divers Christina & Eusebio Saenz de Santamaria, aka One ocean One breath, explore oceans and other large bodies of water around the world, diving deep down on only one breath. More than simply plunging into vast expanses of water, though, the married couple also manage to capture their daring underwater adventures on camera. On one excursion, using their Nikon D7000, some natural light, and a strong set of lungs, the free diving duo took a deep breath and submerged themselves into the cenotes of the Yucatn Peninsula in Mexico.

The images from this particular trip reveal the unbelievable beauty of the natural underground reservoir. The underwater landscape’s cavernous setting is illuminated by an angelic light streaming in from above, making it possible for the duo to take some truly “breathtaking” shots. It’s hard to believe that the two free divers were able to procure the stunning images, let alone dive into the deep abyss without an oxygen tank. They were kind enough to each share their experiences with us.

Christina: “As I descend below the water’s surface I am enveloped by silence and solitude. My thoughts are focused on the present; my movements, my technique, the increasing pressure on my lungs, the sensations of the water slipping over my body. I cannot allow myself to contemplate the depths to which I am going nor the formidable effort required to return, only that I am being peacefully drawn and entranced by the deep abyss in a peaceful meditative state of mind.”

Eusebio: “My eyes are closed, my mind is focused, my thoughts are of my body as I plunge into the depths. I am aware of every sound and submerged vibration; the friction against the dive rope, the equlisation of my ears. With greater depth I can feel the intensifying pressure against my body. I sense the waters surrounding me are filled with life providing a sense of company. I am at peace, no one and nothing can harm me down there.”

All photos courtesy of One ocean One breath
One Ocean One Breath website

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