Pickup Trucks Digitally Manipulated to Look Like Pretzels

In artist Chris Labrooy’s series Tales of Auto Elasticity, he depicts vehicles doing the impossible. Vibrantly-colored pickup trucks are stretched and twisted in unbelievable scenes. They are from Labrooy’s imagination, and he digitally manipulates the autos into the faux, shiny sculptures that we see here. With his expert skills, however, they look as though they’re real rather than only fantastical creations.

Using abandoned parking lots as his canvas, the artist sets up interlocking Fords, and truck beds are elongated, corkscrewed, and fit perfectly around each other. It’s as if they are two pieces from the same puzzle. Labrooy’s cerulean blue and sunny yellows make the vehicles look especially inviting, and the playfulness of this series is engaging. We can’t help but wonder what it’d be like to try and drive these trucks!

Chris Labrooy website
via [designboom]

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