Unbelievable Non-Photoshopped Body Modifications

Surrealism comes in many forms and can often be difficult to define but one common ability that spans the works of almost all surrealist artists is the power to represent the oddities of one’s wildest imaginations and pass it off as real life. We know that having a mouth on the back of your hand is unusual, yet one Japanese university student that goes by the name Chooo-san confuses us all into mistaking her body mutilating art for real appendages and additional mechanics in one’s body, transforming the model into a mutant or cyborg. What’s most remarkable about the artist’s work is that there is no digital editing involved. Everything is hand-painted.

Chooo-san first began exploring her talents at hyperrealistic illustrations on her own body, doodling eyes on the back of her hand during breaks from school. Over time, the hobby evolved into a bigger project, inviting other test subjects to offer their bodies as canvases. Simply by using acrylic paints and her given talent, the young artist manages to modify normal faces and body parts into mutated figures featuring several distorted sets of eyes, mouths, and even a compartment for batteries in one’s arm (with the additional flesh-tone prop serving as the case, which can be seen, below). Chooo-san has also expanded her artistic experimentation to edible objects like apples and oranges, dramatically changing their outward appearance.

Chooo-san website
via [My Eclectic Depiction of Life]

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