China’s Rose Petal Library

How gorgeous is this proposed library? Designed by Vienna-based Architects Collective, the Dalian Library hopes to become a well-known landmark for both local citizens and visitors. The inspiration for the building’s form came from a rose petal which represents the city flower of Dalian, the Monthly Rose. There will be several other libraries built across the Dalian region, each one signifying a petal and all of them together forming a rose.

The building will feature a beautiful central courtyard and an upper level reading room that doubles as an observation point to allow patrons to stare out at the nearby bay. A large spiraling staircase will wind around the structure while shelves of books are placed in the outside perimeter. Built inside a park-like setting, the library aims to create a relaxing environment while standing as a symbol of creativity for the community.

Architects Collective’s website
via [Designboom]

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