Meet Quimera, the Cat with Two Purrfectly Different Sides to Her Face

Unusual Cats

Being two-faced is typically frowned upon, but being a “two-faced” cat is a completely different story. Known as Chimera cats, these special felines have an unforgettable characteristic—each half of their faces is a completely different color, including their eyes. Venus the Chimera cat is the poster kitty for these unusual markings, but there is another of these felines who is quickly growing a following online. Meet Quimera, a striking beauty whose face is perfectly divided into one half orange stripes and a green eye, while the other is all black with a blue eye. The division continues onto her chest and front legs, where the unique coloring is the exact opposite to her face.

Despite her unique coloring, Quimera is your typical cat who has no clue about her own unusual markings. She’s just an ordinary furry friend who likes to snuggle with her human, lay in inconvenient places, and conquer her next great box. It’s clear she won’t let her online fame go to her two-toned head.

Follow Quimera’s adorable antics on her Instagram, @gataquimera.

Meet Quimera, a Chimera cat with striking markings.

Quimera, a Chimera Cat

Her face is perfectly divided between orange stripes and black fur.

Unusual Cats

But Quimera doesn’t realize she’s one of these unusual cats.

Unusual Cats

To her, she’s an ordinary feline who loves laying in inconvenient places and burrowing in boxes.

Cats With Unusual MarkingsCats With Unusual MarkingsQuimera, a Chimera Cat Quimera, a Chimera Cat Quimera, a Chimera Cat Unusual CatsQuimera, a Chimera Cat Quimera: Instagram
h/t: [Neatorama]

All images via Quimera.

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