Chihuly’s Colorful Glass Sculptures Sprout Up in the New York Botanical Garden

Chihuly Garden Exhibition New York Botanical Garden Chihuly Sculptures Botanical Garden

For over 45 years, the glistening glass sculptures of artist Dale Chihuly have mesmerized modern art lovers. With their bright colors and ethereal translucence, the awe-inspiring, large-scale pieces are particularly radiant when installed outdoors. To present the pieces at their al fresco finest, the New York Botanical Garden has curated a special solo exhibition featuring over 20 Chihuly originals.

Simply titled CHIHULY, the exhibition traces the impressive evolution of the celebrated artist. It offers a mix of the old and new, combining the artist’s earlier drawings and sculptures with more recent installations, including site-specific pieces made specially for the botanical garden. The sculptural installations are sprawled out among the gardens and greenhouses, mingling with the site’s existing plants, water fixtures, and architecture to totally transform the space.

While the sculptures’ effect on their environment is a predominant part of the garden exhibition, the environment’s effect on the sculptures is just as spectacular. Each work of art’s aesthetic changes according to both the time of day and the time of year. In the daytime, the blown-glass pieces sparkle with sunlight. By night, the pieces glow with artificial luminescence, culminating in a dazzling display of color. Similarly, as the seasons—and, consequently, the weather and foliage—evolve, so does one’s perception of the sculptures, making this unique exhibition “a must-see throughout the changing seasons from spring through fall.”

CHIHULY is the first New York-based, large-scale exhibition of its kind in over 10 years. If you’re interested in experiencing the glimmering glass art, be sure to visit the New York Botanical Garden before October 29, 2017, when the exhibition closes.

A special Chihuly garden exhibition has transformed the New York Botanical Garden into a glistening glass wonderland.

Chihuly Garden Exhibition New York Botanical Garden Chihuly Sculptures Botanical GardenChihuly Garden Exhibition New York Botanical Garden Chihuly Sculptures Botanical GardenChihuly Garden Exhibition New York Botanical Garden Chihuly Sculptures Botanical Garden

Chihuly Garden Exhibition New York Botanical Garden Chihuly Sculptures Botanical Garden

Day view

Chihuly Garden Exhibition New York Botanical Garden Chihuly Sculptures Botanical Garden

Night view

Chihuly Garden Exhibition New York Botanical Garden Chihuly Sculptures Botanical Garden

Chihuly Garden Exhibition New York Botanical Garden Chihuly Sculptures Botanical Garden

Photo credit: cecehaydock

Chihuly Garden Exhibition New York Botanical Garden Chihuly Sculptures Botanical Garden

Chihuly Garden Exhibition New York Botanical Garden Chihuly Sculptures Botanical Garden

Photo credit: binnsie

Chihuly Garden Exhibition New York Botanical Garden Chihuly Sculptures Botanical Garden

Chihuly Garden Exhibition New York Botanical Garden Chihuly Sculptures Botanical Garden

Photo credit: binnsie

Chihuly Garden Exhibition New York Botanical Garden Chihuly Sculptures Botanical Garden

Photo credit: binnsie

Dale Chihuly: Website | Facebook | Instagram
The New York Botanical Garden: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube | Tumblr 
h/t: [Contemporist]

All images via The New York Botanical Garden.

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