Chicken Tikka Disasta – Slinkachu (2 pics)

UK-based artist Slinkachu recently released images of his latest installation: Chicken Tikka Disasta. This new piece is part of a larger effort to raise funds for the people of Bhopal who are still suffering the effects of the world’s worst industrial disaster – the chemical gas leak of December 1984.

“Above are some images of a new installation I have done for the ‘Skullduggerous’ group show that opened here in London. The show is in aid of the Bhopal Medical Appeal which aims to raise awareness and provide medical care for people still suffering the after-effects of the calamitous toxic gas leak that blighted the Indian city of Bhopal in 1984 – even today kids are still being born with birth defects and the environment is still affected.” -Slinkachu

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