Mom Creates Her Own Comically Honest Versions of Flawless Celebrity Parent Photos

Some magazines might say that celebrities “are just like us,” but one mom on Instagram is hilariously challenging this notion. Celeste Barber, an Australian actor and comedian, is well-known for recreating Hollywood’s popular Instagram photos and giving the glamorous—and often ridiculous—images a much-needed dose of reality. She applies this same biting wit to the portraits of celebrity parents whose calm, beautifully composed photos will make any parent think, “yeah right!”

Barber is a mother of two sons under the age of six and stepmom to a couple of teenage daughters, so it’s safe to say she’s got a good grasp on the exhausting task of parenting. This insight only makes her parodies all the more funny. Model and cookbook author Chrissy Teigen is seen calmly preparing dinner in a stylish crop top with a drink at her side. Barber, on the other hand, looks frazzled as she’s about to sip some wine right out of the bottle. In another side-by-side comparison, Kim Kardashian and her daughter North have a peaceful snuggle while Barber is bombarded with a child’s diaper on top of her face.

For any parent that might compare themselves to a celebrity mom or dad, they just need to look at Barber’s photos to find the “truth” behind them.

Celeste Barber: Facebook | Instagram
via [The Huffington Post]

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