Woman Continues to Hilariously Parody Celebrities’ Bizarre Poses


Celebrities post some of the most bizarre pictures on Instagram, and they don’t go unnoticed by comedienne Celeste Barber. In her long-running #CelesteChallengeAccepted series, she points out just how ridiculous some of these photos can appear to us lay people. The strange poses, weird outfits, and off-the-wall props are all mimicked by Barber to hilarious effect. By simply trying to recreate the celebrity portraits, she makes their absurdity all the more apparent.

No one is safe from Barber’s parody, which is part of the appeal of her wildly popular Instagram account. Barber, like many, is a mom who has the same problems as the rest of us, and she knocks the shine off these unattainable lifestyles by showing that they aren’t as great as they seem—divorced from any context, they’re actually pretty weird.


She even got her husband to join in:

celeste-barber-celebrity-photoshop-6Celeste Barber: WebsiteInstagramFacebook

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