Woman’s Hilarious Parody Portraits Recreate Popular Celebrity Instagram Photos

Comedian Celeste Barber set out to prove that while celebrity Instagram photos may be interesting to look at and admire, they aren’t always realistic. She created the #CelesteChallengeAccepted project that follows her as she attempts to recreate some of the most unique social media snapshots of famous actors, musicians, and TV personalities. “Some celebrities on Instagram seem to think we non-rich, non-privileged people are idiots and believe that what they are posting is real,” the comedian told BuzzFeed. “I wanted to try to show how ridiculous it would be for a ‘normal’ person to recreate some of these photos.”

In the end, Barber not only accomplished her comedic goal, she also inspired many of her followers to take a second look at the images that often make them feel not-so-great about themselves. “I get a lot of really positive feedback, like ‘Thanks for making me not feel so sh*t about myself’, and ‘Thanks for keeping it real,’” she says.

Celeste Barber: Facebook | Instagram
via [BuzzFeed]

All photos via Celeste Barber.

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