Rubik’s Cube Cakes Put a Playful Spin on Traditional French Pastries

rubiks cube cakes rubiks cube cakes pastries cedric grolet french food

The culinary creations of French pastry chef Cédric Grolet are as eye-catching as they are tasty. While he is renowned for his cakes and pastries that are predominantly inspired by flowers and fruit, he has recently adopted peculiar and playful new muse: the Rubik’s cube.

A sophisticated twist on the handheld puzzle, Grolet’s cake is actually cube-shaped assortment of 27 individual pastries. As a testament to Grolet’s creativity and his experimental approach to traditional baking, the treats boast avant-garde flavor pairings like apricot and rosemary and cherry and tarragon. Additionally, the chef pâtissier has foregone the toy’s palette of primary colors and opted instead for more elegant color schemes. Some are whimsical, some are neutral, and one is even entirely composed of cakes covered in a shimmering gold icing!

Grolet’s Rubik’s cube cakes are available at Le Dalí, a restaurant nestled inside Paris’ luxurious Le Meurice hotel. You can see mouthwatering photos of other desserts that the chef creates for the restaurant on his Facebook page. And, if you happen to be in Paris, you can soothe your sweet tooth with a visit to Le Dalí!

See a selection of Rubik’s cube cakes by Cédric Grolet below!

rubiks cube cakes rubiks cube cakes pastries cedric grolet french food rubiks cube cakes rubiks cube cakes pastries cedric grolet french food rubiks cube cakes rubiks cube cakes pastries cedric grolet french food rubiks cube cakes rubiks cube cakes pastries cedric grolet french food rubiks cube cakes rubiks cube cakes pastries cedric grolet french food rubiks cube cakes rubiks cube cakes pastries cedric grolet french food rubiks cube cakes rubiks cube cakes pastries cedric grolet french food rubiks cube cakes rubiks cube cakes pastries cedric grolet french food Cédric Grolet: Instagram | Facebook
h/t: [Ufunk, The Telegraph]

All images via Cédric Grolet.

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