Funny Photos of Cats That Pose Like Pin Up Girls

Cats That Look Like Pin Up Girls

Right after we showed you some hilarious photos of sexy men and adorable cats in similar poses, we knew it was just a matter of time before we found the female equivalent. Cats That Look Like Pin Up Girls is a funny Tumblr blog that pairs the scintillating ladies found in 1940s and ’50s calendars and magazines with the modern cats of today. Which image is more arresting? Scantily clad pin-up girls are no match for these personality-filled cats!

Started by Rachael Aslett, an advertising freelancer based in Perth, Australia, the Tumblr has now taken on a life of its own. Based on its runaway success, Aslett has even received an offer for a book deal.

Cats That Look Like Pin Up GirlsCats That Look Like Pin Up GirlsCats That Look Like Pin Up GirlsCats That Look Like Pin Up GirlsCats That Look Like Pin Up GirlsCats That Look Like Pin Up GirlsCats That Look Like Pin Up GirlsCats That Look Like Pin Up GirlsCats That Look Like Pin Up GirlsCats That Look Like Pin Up GirlsCats That Look Like Pin Up GirlsCats That Look Like Pin Up GirlsCats That Look Like Pin Up GirlsCats That Look Like Pin Up Girls: Website

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