“Cat Jenga” is a Brand New Challenging Game for Feline Fanatics


If you consider yourself both a cat lover and a Jenga master, then Cat Jenga might be the perfect new challenge for you. A Chinese company called Common has developed a brand new version of Jenga by cleverly combining cutout kitty poses with the game’s precarious stacking challenge. Players have to balance the wooden cat-shaped pieces on top of one another, as high as they can, with the hope that the feline silhouettes don’t topple over. Though conventional Jenga starts with a pile of blocks and builds from that, participants of Cat Jenga stack the figures from the ground up, hoping to place the last feline on the tower and become the winner.

Cat Jenga isn’t entirely new to the novelty-game market. It was released in China a few years ago, but it’s taken all that time to be released in the United States. Now, each set of six is available in either teak or maple wood, and each piece is an adorable depiction of a cat stretching, pouncing, climbing, and of course, sleeping. The more cats you have, the higher the tower climbs, and the more challenging the game becomes.

jenga132jenga8jenga10jenga2jenga112jenga122catjenga0Cat Jenga: Website
via [Lost At E Minor]

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