Artist and Her Mother Create a Playful Lookalike Project

It’s incredible to see the various similarities that mothers and daughters can have. North Carolina-based artist Carra Sykes decided to document those similarities within her own family in this project entitled Mother + Daughter.

In the series, the artist photographed herself and her mother wearing the same clothes and doing the same things. Whether they are standing in a field wearing a winter coat and baseball cap or sporting a helmet in what looks like a bathroom, the scenes are so lighthearted and playful, and it looks like the two women are having a lot of fun!

Sykes says her inspiration came from a family member: “My uncle, who is my mom’s twin, always jokes about her wearing my clothes, so this gave me the idea to start shooting photos of my mom and I wearing the same outfit. I have enjoyed her enthusiasm and energy towards our adventure together.” Thanks to their successful mother/daughter collaboration, the Sykes family album just got a little more interesting!

UPDATE: We’re very happy to announce that Carra’s photos of her and her mother are one of 25 photo stories featured in our new book For Love, published by Chronicle Books! The official release date is March 15, 2016, and the book is currently available to pre-order at AmazonBarnes and Noble, and Indie Bound.

Carra Sykes: Website | Instagram
via [DesignTAXI]

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