Artist Creates Dreamy Miniature Portals To Other Worlds


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From Alice in Wonderland to The Chronicles of Narnia, fictional portals have dominated human literature and thought. It’s little wonder why, as these gates to other worlds present seemingly endless possibilities for the lucky few who happen to stumble upon them. Caroline Dewison perfectly reflects this human interest in her artwork, by meticulously crafting miniature pieces that look like portals into fantastical worlds.

Dewison, who appropriately goes by @ahouseofwonders on her Instagram, has an impressive array of work. From scenes of intergalactic discovery to haunting images of seemingly unpopulated locations, Dewison has a portal for almost every type of explorer. Thanks to their small size, her pieces can fit anywhere, allowing viewers a glimpse into another world that is starkly different from their own.

Many of Dewison’s portals are housed within a small picture frame, though they tend to stretch well beyond their confines. In some, snow drifts spill out onto the wood. Others feature creeping vines that swirl around the frame, as the world contained within threatens to escape. Regardless of the content, Dewison will find some sort of way to make her work three-dimensional more often than not.

The majority of Dewison’s small portals have painted backgrounds, but the artist also uses technology in her work. In some of her most dynamic pieces, screens breathe life into her tiny worlds. Whether they be on land, sky, or sea, all of Dewison’s portal-like creations invite the viewer to frolic within the worlds that she has masterfully constructed.

To keep up with Dewison’s work, follow her on Instagram. If you are interested in purchasing some of her work, check out her Etsy.

Caroline Dewison is an artist who specializes in miniature portal paintings.


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In Dewison’s work, many of the portals are not confined to their frames, often spilling out onto the wood.


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Other times, they invite the viewer to dive deeper into the world within.


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All of her otherworldly pieces open up windows into fantastical realms that are far different from our own.


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A post shared by Caroline (@ahouseofwonders)


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A post shared by Caroline (@ahouseofwonders)

Caroline Dewison: Instagram | Website | Etsy
h/t: [Reddit]

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