Vibrant Paintings of Ocean Waves and Seaside Paradises Filled with Dynamic Motion


Brazil-based painter and surfer Carlos Carpinelli depicts stunning ocean scenes in amazing detail and color. Using acrylic paint and incredibly fine brushes, he captures the beauty of crashing waves, sandy beaches, and gorgeous swells of aqua-colored water. Stroke by meticulous stroke, Carpinelli builds up beautifully rich depictions of seaside paradises that are both serene and filled with dynamic motion.

The artist, who has loved surfing and art since he was young, says that his addiction to surf has changed his life. He explains, “Competing in local tournaments and drawing for surf brands kept me connected to this lifestyle forever, and through it, I got to know some of the most perfect waves in the world. . . The result of all this inspiration can be seen in my paintings, whose main themes are the perfect waves and beautiful places that I have been to or imagined.”

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via [Abduzeedo]

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