Funny Instagram Highlights the Most Illogically Extreme Camping Photos

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The persistent trend in social media is to craft the perfect scene—whether or not it reflects how we really live. We often see this with food or “candid” fashion portraits, but it happens in the outdoor community, too. Photographers will set up their campsite on the edge of cliffs or along rocky shores to show their adventurous side. Sometimes, the places are so extreme that it’s hard to believe that they actually spent the night there. And like many things, if it seems too good to be true, it most likely is. Luisa Jeffery pokes fun at these faux camping sites through her Instagram, @youdidnotsleepthere.

The premise is simple; in each post, Jeffery will find a gorgeous shot with a ridiculous campsite and point out its absurdity in the caption. She got the idea after seeing how people stage these scenes firsthand. “While on a rafting trip my friend suggested we set up a tent just to get a shot for Poler,” Jeffery recalled. “Once we got home, I started noticing how absurd some of photos circulating Instagram were and it all happened from there.”

Since summer 2015, Jeffery pointed out the photos that she calls “cliche.” The biggest offender, in her eyes? “Feet out the tent and a lit up tent at night under a billion stars,” she says. Judging from her feed, a close second is a tent perched on a rock far off in the distance. Of course, there are some people that did sleep in these crazy places. “It’s not about being wrong or right at all, it’s just about calling out clichés and making people laugh,” Jeffery explained. “I have never taken this that seriously.”

Follow @youdidnotsleepthere to see the believably unbelievable places that Jeffery highlights.

Luisa Jeffery pokes fun at camping photography that seems too perfect to be real.

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Through her Instagram, @youdidnotsleepthere, she shares outdoor photography of tents precariously perched along cliffs or on rocky shores.

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The point of her account is “celebrating Instagram’s most illogical campsites.”

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Of course, some people really do sleep in these crazy campsites.

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“It’s not about being wrong or right at all, it’s just about calling out clichés and making people laugh.”

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@youdidnotsleepthere: Instagram
h/t: [Neatorama]

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