New Awe-Inspiring Sand Castles by Calvin Seibert

When summer is in full swing and it’s perfect beach weather, artist Calvin Seibert allows his true talents to shine as an incredible sand sculptor. We’ve shared many of Seibert’s creations over the years, and he’s never disappointed us. The gifted artist continues to impress us with his expert sand-sculpting skills, both in construction and conception. The incredibly complex, geometric structures he manages to create often resemble miniaturized estates, featuring steep terraces, sweeping driveways, and angled roofs. Over the years, the artist has also grown increasingly abstract and constructed some non-representational pieces, too.

When looking at Seibert’s work, it’s awe-inspiring how well he controls the sand. His creations look perfectly smooth and flawlessly constructed, and the fact that they’re ephemeral – not safe from nature or humans – makes them even more special.

Calvin Seibert: Flickr
via [Colossal]

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