Gardening Tools Contrasted with Intricate Lace Patterns

Cal Lane is an artist who combines sturdy metal work with the delicate, fine art form of lace design. The artist says, “I like to work as a visual devil’s advocate, using contradiction as a vehicle for finding my way to an empathetic image, an image of opposition that creates a balance–as well as a clash–by comparing and contrasting ideas and materials.”

In Wheelbarrows and Shovels, Lane transforms steel into gorgeous and intricate plasma cut patterns. The artist juxtaposes gritty yardwork tools with impressive ornamental fabric patterns, a combination of what she describes as “industrial and domestic life.” By comparing the two ideas, viewers are inspired to consider the differences of the two unique pieces, a thought provoking process that merges two opposites into one complementary final product.

Cal Lane’s website
via [Happy Homemaker With A Dark Side]

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