This French Bulldog Is So Good at Skateboarding He’s Being Called “Tony Dawg”

Skateboarding French Bulldog
by u/tommos in interestingasfuck

Some people excel at training their dogs to do tricks like rolling over, standing up, or giving a paw; but what about training them to do skateboard tricks? Cabbage (aka Bai Cai) is a white French Bulldog who has mesmerized the Internet by skating like an absolute pro. This is more than just a cute pup posing on a skateboard. Cabbage fully seems to understand how to push off, keep his balance, make turns, and even skate down stairs. It’s no wonder that some are calling him “Tony Dawg.”

At home, Cabbage is described as a very gentle dog who always seems to be in a good mood, and doesn’t bark very often. But he took social media by storm after the first videos of him going for a ride and cleverly avoiding obstacles popped up online. Like any skater who takes it seriously, Cabbage is quite stylish, donning patterned shirts, jerseys, and even sunglasses or chains as he speeds through town.

But how did this french bulldog learn to skate? According to the South China Morning Post, his owner, Zhao Chen, who is also a skater, began training him in 2020. “At first, I used snacks to lure him to stay on the board,” Zhao says. “Then, I taught him how to skate with one paw. Once he picked up the skills, he became very interested and just kept skating on his own.” After just 20 days of practice, Cabbage was already skating by himself. To make up for his size and in order to move smoothly, he stays on the very front of the board.

To polish his skateboarding abilities, Cabbage visits the park every morning, where he skates alongside his human for 15 minutes. While he seems very proficient and ready to tackle more complex stuff, Zhao doesn’t want to push him to learn more tricks that could be too much for him. If Cabbage can do some exercise and make a few people smile, that’s more than enough. “While Cabbage and I are having fun, I want to bring laughter to others too,” Zhao shares. “People live very stressful lives now. It would be nice if we could share our happiness.”

Cabbage (aka Bai Cai) is a white French Bulldog who has mesmerized the Internet by skating like a pro.

@baic99999My name is Chinese cabbage!Today is my first performance,Everybody has the money to hold the money field, has the hand to point a thumbs-up, thank you♬ original sound – baicaiwanhuaban

Like any skater who takes his craft seriously, Cabbage always looks the part, donning patterned shirts, jerseys, and even sunglasses or chains as he speeds through town.

@baic99999 年轻人不要太气盛,这个眼神.我服了.. #抖音宠物图鉴 #chinatiktokforyou #puppy #cute #bulldog #francebulldog ♬ original sound – baicaiwanhuaban

This is more than just a cute pup posing on a skateboard. Cabbage knows how to push off, keep his balance, make turns, and even skate  down stairs.

@baic99999 Do you think I can only play skateboard 📷📷 home skills are countless 📷你以为白菜只会玩滑板吗📷📷居家技能也是会的不计其数📷#bulldog #french #frenchbulldog #china #chinese ♬ original sound – baicaiwanhuaban

Cabbage (Bai Cai): TikTok
h/t: [Reddit]

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