Jewelry Designs Cleverly Ward Off Zika with Beautifully Decorated Bug Repellent Beads


In Chinese culture, jade is traditionally considered a bearer of good luck, symbolizing benevolent forces like nobility and immortality. The jewelry designers behind By Invite Only have created a clever and artful way to render the gem’s fortune more palpable: their Yu Ahn Collection features necklaces and bracelets that string authentic jade, onyx, and rhodium-plated charms together with beads of jade-toned citronella, warding off not only evil spirits, but mosquitoes.

Each sphere of citronella—the non-toxic essential oil that’s the key ingredient in most bug repellants—sits inside a locket, which is artfully cut with spiral patterns to give glimpses of the green globe inside. It lasts up to one week and can then be refilled.

Both stylish and inventive, the collection comes not a moment too soon: Singapore is facing an outbreak of Zika virus, and pharmacies around the country are quickly selling out of ordinary mosquito repellants as people rush to stock up.  Unsurprisingly, the jewelry has been speedily scooped up as well, providing both protection and a pretty accessory for customers. The collection launched in late July, and several pieces have sold out, but you can sign up for By Invite Only’s mailing list to learn when the baubles are back online.

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via [Mashable]

All images via By Invite Only.

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