Couple’s Hilarious Newborn Photos Replace a Baby with a Burrito

There’s the old saying, “you, me, and a baby makes three,” something that comedians M.K. Paulsen and Ella Gale have hilariously parodied in a recent photo shoot. Instead of welcoming a newborn human into the world, the couple says hello to their “perfectly loved new little burrito.”

The pictures, captured by Erin Holsonback, show Paulsen and Gale doting over the tiny “baby” wrapped in foil. Their poses and attitudes are reminiscent–and strangely convincing–of how the parents of human babies might interact with their new offspring. Paulsen and Gale lovingly stare into each other’s eyes, coo at their bundle of joy, and hold it close, never wanting to let go.

The couple shared their series on their aptly-titled website, Burrito Makes Three. Since posting, they haven’t announced a name for it yet, or even what’s inside of the shiny wrapping. Is it vegetarian? Beef? Pork? Maybe we’ll find out with another set of equally-as-funny photos.

Burrito Makes Three: Website
Erin Holsonback: Website | Instagram

via [Neatorama]

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