Photographer Builds a Wearable Fully-Functional Camera as His Halloween Costume


This past Halloween, photographer Bryan Troll did what he does best—he took pictures. But, being that it’s one of the few times of year when costumes are encouraged, Troll snapped his photos with a twist—he was dressed as a fully-functioning camera that shot all his images.

It took Troll at least 40 hours and about $100 in supplies to construct this impressive outfit, but his efforts were worth it—the costume captured and displayed photos just like a real digital SLR camera. There’s a strobe flash, an actual shutter, and an LCD screen that showcased the pictures as Troll took them. It made for a great party trick that people won’t soon forget.

There were aesthetic challenges when making this costume as well as technical ones. “I tried to balance having it be as proportional as possible so it looked good,” Troll explained to DIYPhotography, “but I also needed to make sure it fit me, and fit all the gear inside as well so it was an interesting challenge of measure, cut, trim, and tape, tape, tape each component.” In addition to the outer shell, he needed to ensure that the connectivity between the camera and screen would be reliable so that “it would automatically display the photos after they are taken without losing connection, [and go] to sleep.” Thankfully, Troll was able to solve these issues and create his epic costume. It’ll be hard to top it when next Halloween rolls around!

Here’s the costume in action:

bryantroll10Troll documented his process:

bryantroll1bryantroll2bryantroll3bryantroll7bryantroll6bryantroll4bryantroll5These are some of the photos Troll took with his costume:

bryantroll11bryantroll12bryantroll14bryantroll13Bryan Troll: Facebook
via [Laughing Squid, PetaPixel]

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