Recycled Books Transform Into Abstract Body Parts

UK-based artist Bronia Sawyer has always found art to be a means by which she could control and manipulate her world and her surroundings. From a very young age, Sawyer expressed herself through her creativity, later saying, “For me creativity and imagination go hand in hand.” Body Parts, Live Breath Art is a series of sculptures in which the artist took pages and pages of recycled books and transformed them into spiraling, abstract impressions of body parts.

The layers of repetitive shapes were inspired by Sawyer’s feelings that art is a piece of what makes her whole and something that runs through her veins. Each sculpture represents a body part including a spine, a pelvis, and lungs. As an adult who has overcome many obstacles with words and reading, the artist chose to use pages from books as a representation of her past struggles. The combination of her academic weaknesses with her artistic strengths resulted in these simples structures that emit a powerful beauty. The gradients of color that run through each piece were first created manually with ink and special lighting, and then digitally manipulated to offer variations of each sculpture.

Sawyer says, “My work is the after effect of an overactive mind and I hope for it to be enjoyed on many levels. That may be visually or mentally, there are many reasons for it and many layers to be explored.”

Bronia Sawyer’s website
via [Garabatos & Doodles]

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